Hear Our Stories, Don’t Create Our Stories

Welcome to Fatness Fiction, home of +Plus Size Magic Radio!  I hope you follow us on this journey of counter-storytelling pertaining to larger bodies of society. Fatness Fiction was created by Ellise Smith a current graduate student at Indiana University. Ellise’s desire was to incorporate the narrative of individuals that identify as “fat”, “overweight”, “thick”, “obese”, “fluffy”, and the many other terms used to describe those outside of the societal norms of an “ideal weight image”. The focus of Fatness Fiction is to dispel the myths associated around fat persons and to provide a space for them to celebrate themselves while living in color via +Plus Size Magic!


Pride. Passion. Peace.

Continue to flourish in your +Plus Size Magic


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Who? What? Why Fatness Fiction?

Growing up as a child I encountered many events that reminded me I was never good enough due to my larger exterior. I was told I was cute, but not cute enough to date. I was told I could be a star, long as I kept my eyes off of Hollywood. Imagine hearing that and never seeing people, especially “big people” on television screens? The few times big people were casted, they were always portrayed as “stupid”, “melancholy”, “loud”, “lazy”, “smelly”, “the funny one” or super active in gluttony. Nothing about those characteristics resonated with me. They probably did not resonate with a lot of people.

The first time I saw a “plus size” person on television I lit up with joy thinking that we had a chance to be recognized as “normal” people. As I grew older and watched the perceptions of the media around the topic of fat people, I realized that I still had to find a way to be invisible when the world makes us hypervisable. This is typically done in a negative way. We tend to become the butt of a bad joke. Instead to trying to force the world to change its ideas about me and others, I decided to tell my story and be happy that I created a space to be transparent. If they judge me after that, oh well.

Pink Blue Green and Yellow Colourful 90's Themed Party Party Setup Ideas Photo Collage

Join me on this journey of Fatness Fiction and embracing our +Plus Size Magic!


FF LOGO - Grey Scaleplus size magic - all black

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